Winter Woollies 18. December 2009 Help & Advice (0) As it comes into winter, especially with the great English weather, warm woollies are definitely needed. There’s plenty on the market to choose from, so from your toes to your ears, there’s no excuse for being chilly this winter. From Your Toes…Feet get cold really easily so a good thick pair of... [More]
Bits, Bitting and Mouthpieces 16. November 2009 Help & Advice (0) With such a wide range of bits on the market, choosing the right one for your horse can sometimes be difficult. Having a vague idea of what style mouthpieces your horse would suit and the types of action he might like is the first step in the right direction of finding a bit to suit both you and him... [More]
The UK’s Biggest Equestrian Retailer just got bigger! 9. November 2009 Behind the Scenes (0) We are pleased to announce that our third Robinsons Equestrian Store will open in 2010, in Basingstoke, Hampshire, combining state-of-the-art equipment, our full range of products and a new, exciting marketing programme. Our New Megastore will be one of the largest in the UK and promises to be... [More]
Which Horse Clipper To Choose 26. October 2009 Help & Advice (0) At this time of year, your horse’s sleek shiny summer coat can begin to resemble that of a bear, in preparation for the cold winter months. This effect can be lessened by early rugging; however some extra coat is still likely to be grown. This can impact on any working horse’s comfort, whether he is... [More]
Robinsons and the Royal Mail: What You Need to Know… 15. October 2009 News (0) As you may have seen on the news, the country is about to face a period of strikes by postal workers. Naturally, you’ll be concerned that all mail order will therefore become totally unreliable and to be honest, who could blame you? If you’re still reading at this point, please allow me to expl... [More]
Bengt Höök: An inspiration and a friend 15. October 2009 Behind the Scenes (0) We were saddened yesterday to hear about the death of Bengt Höök, President of Hööks Hästsport - the largest equestrian retailer and mail order operator in Scandinavia. We had known Bengt for many years and were proud to call him a friend. We had worked on many projects together and we both shared... [More]
Training Aids and How To Use Them 13. October 2009 Help & Advice (0) The light, warm summer weather encourages most of us to swap the confines of the sand paddock for long hacks and beach rides. When your leisure time starts to be restricted by lack of light or suitable weather conditions, these fun rides can be more difficult to fit in to your schedule. Having the m... [More]
Quick reminder... 17. August 2009 News (0) Don't forget, our End-of-Season Sale starts online at 6am tomorrow morning (18th). I'll be in, together with our IT team, to check everything's running smoothly. To be fair, the last two have been fantastically smooth with the site never looking like it was under pressure, despite the vast number ... [More]
Spot the Deliberate Mistake! 5. August 2009 Behind the Scenes (0) Well, it's early August and that can only mean one thing: our new Autumn Winter Catalogue is back from the printers. As I type, hundreds of thousands of copies are sat in various warehouses around the country waiting to be mailed or inserted into copies of magazines. It's usually the time of year wh... [More]
Choosing a Suitable Riding Hat 20. July 2009 Help & Advice (0) Your riding hat is arguably the most important piece of equipment you'll ever buy, and to provide maximum protection it must fit correctly. It is a legal requirement that children aged 14 and under when riding on the road must wear a riding hat to at least the old standard of BS4472, but it is advis... [More]