A skip out won't burn as many calories obviously, but a full muck out, lifting the whole bed and sweeping out, then laying a new bed can be quite strenuous. You have to put some major effort in and not stand about chatting, but for half an hour of proper strenuous mucking out you can burn 222 calories. For that you could have burned off a snickers bar. Which, if you’re like me, you may eat after mucking out to re-fuel. But still, at least you’ve burnt it off before eating it! Then you have to take your wheel barrow. Depending on how fast you walk, and how many barrows you have to take this could also burn off quite a few calories. Unless you’re so unlucky to have a muck heap a good mile and half away, most of us aren’t going to take half an hour to dump a barrow, but if you did, walking at 2.5 mph (which is slow and leisurely) you burn 102 calories. At 3 mph, moving your barrow you burn 136 calories per half hour and at 3.5mph you burn 153 calories per half hour. |