Equestrian Blog

News and thoughts from around the equestrian community

Our Spring Sale starts 8am, Thursday 22nd May!

 Spring Sale Catalogue Out Now!
The first-ever Robinsons Spring Sale Catalogue Is Out Now!  It's 32-pages and brimming with special buys, exclusive offers and loads of genuine reductions that you won’t want to miss out on!
The Sale starts at 8am, Thursday 22nd May.  After that time, you'll be able to browse and buy the items in the Sale catalogue - and many other besides - by visiting www.robinsons-uk.com/sale and viewing each item in exactly the same way you would expect to in the rest of our site. If you don't have a copy of the catalogue and you'd like to browse through it before the Sale starts, you can look through our Virtual Sale Catalogue, although I should add a note of caution.  If you click on a product before 8am on Thursday, when the Sale starts, the product page will not load correctly and you will be unable to order the item.  On the one hand, we recognise that this is a useful way to decide what you'd like before the Sale starts, but on the other, we have to be fair to everyone and start the Sale at an exact time that we publicise to all. Please let me know what you think of our Virtual Catalogues and the way we hold our online Sales.  I appreciate that while they are always incredibly popular, they do have the potential to create confusion or disappointment. As ever, I'm interested to learn what you think. Thanks, Paul.  PS Please note that the Spring Sale is a Mail Order only activity and will not be featured at our Superstore. There will however be a separate promotion instore over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend where you can find loads of great offers and bargains.  

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