Equestrian Blog

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Pay with PayPal at Robinsons!

Robinsons, the UK's number one equestrian provider has joined the likes of John Lewis and Argos in accepting PayPal as a payment option. The Robinsons website will now give customers the choice to pay by credit or debit card, as normal, with the additional choice of payment by PayPal, the online payment service owned by eBay. With over 15 million PayPal account holders in the UK and 110 million worldwide, it's an incredibly popular and secure choice of payment for millions of people. Certainly, anyone who has bought or sold on eBay will be quite familiar with it. According to research undertaken in 2011, half of UK online shoppers questioned said they used PayPal when buying products. "We've been increasingly asked to introduce PayPal as a payment option" said Mike Church, IT Manager, "and recent changes to our systems have made this option much easier for us to introduce. With so many users and with its reputation as an ultra-secure method of payment, we're sure it will very quickly become a popular option for our customers."

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