We’re pleased to announce that Robinsons, the UK’s number one equestrian retailer, has joined forces with the Sports Direct, the UK’s number one sports retailer to offer high street shoppers an enticing range of equestrian products. This ground-breaking agreement means that equestrian consumers around the country will be greeted with a familiar name from the sport as they do their ‘regular’ shopping, from April. A specially-chosen selection of Robinsons products will be featured in a ‘lifestyle’ section within a number of Sports Direct’s most prestigious stores around the country, in a move which will seek to bolster the retail giant’s equestrian credentials.
We may have become the UK’s most widely-known equestrian retailer for the last 25 years, but it’s also important for us to maintain our reach towards those who are new to horses and riding - and where better to find those shoppers than on the High Street? We also feel that this helps us to stand apart from our competitors as an equestrian name with real credibility to the wider public. There is no bigger name in the sports retailing than Sports Direct and our association with their brand and its huge coverage acts as a real endorsement of the Robinsons brand. We’re confident that, with so many shoppers becoming introduced to – or re-acquainted with – Robinsons this way, we will then be able to develop our relationship with them further.
With the extra reach this deal gives us to put our name and our products before the wider public, hopefully, we can even do our bit to encourage a new group of people, young and old, to take up riding and horses for the first time - who knows, maybe even an Olympic champion of the future? The ‘store-in-store’ concept has been trialled in recent weeks at Sports Direct’s 80,000 sq ft store at Shirebrook, Derbyshire. More recently, the concept has been added to the following Sports Direct Megastores, with more to be added in future:
- Aintree, Liverpool
- Oxford Street, London
- Lillywhite’s, London
- Argyle Street, Glasgow
Please note: As the selection of products will be sold through Sports Direct’s own systems, these ‘lifestyle’ stores will not stock a full range of equestrian goods and will be unable to handle returns of regular Robinsons purchases. Equally, items purchased via Sports Direct may not be returned into a Robinsons store.